
Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee, Vincent Gargiulo is an award winning filmmaker whose work has been featured & shown on Lopez Tonight, the Washington Post, Huffington Post, Attack of the Show, TMZ Live, Right This Minute, Cartoon Brew, San Francisco Independent Film Festival, and more.

He’s completed numerous shorts & one feature, specializing in the ridiculous, the silly, the sometimes thought provoking, and the musical. He also does freelance video production around the Bay Area.

Musically, Gargiulo is also an accomplished songwriter whose written numerous songs for films, the bands VGNP and Ghost Peeps, and released several solo albums. Billy Ray Cyrus sang one of his songs. You know that’s hilarious.

He is based in San Francisco and eats Rice-A-Roni all day on streetcars.

Contact him at vincent@vincentgargiulo.com
